Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Grades of abuse

I think child abuse can affect a child's grades in school dramatically. The child may feel like they always wanna be alone and may not participate. They may also feel scared that someone is going to hurt them, so they stay away. That can really make their grades go down and make them very anti-social.

Can child abuse effect family and the community it is happening in?

Child abuse can indeed effect the family and the community around it. This is my personal take on the whole thing. If a child is being sexually, physically, or emotionally abused, of course the family will be affected. If the parents are doing the abusing nine times out of ten, the rest of the family doesn't know what's going on.

"Child abuse also affects our society because it increases the rate of other abuse in the family."

" If they have become so domineering to abuse one member of the family, then they will not often hesitate to abuse others, thus guaranteeing the continuation of the cycle of abuse for another generation."

Monday, April 22, 2013

Eminem's Child Abuse Story

Eminem was sexually abused as a child by his step-father as a result he has irrational fears of gay men that they are justified in fearing attack.

This is especially disturbing in the context of the promotion of Eminem’s new album, Relapse. Relapse is chock-full of songs that are directly and without question about rape. This is not really new to his literary discography. As in other albums, most rape scenes in Relapse are enacted by Eminem’s sociopathic persona Slim Shady1, who is often blamed for the actions of more ethical personas Eminem and Marshall Mathers. But Insane casts Eminem as the victim and not the actor in rape:

Insane is an extremely graphic and in my analysis autobiographical story about a stepfather raping the narrator. The the second verse seems to refer to “Shady” in Insane and indicate that this is part of the mythology of the Slim Shady persona, but the first and third verse seem to be about Eminem’s “real” persona, Marshall Mathers, his usual vehicle for expressing serious emotions. Most of these references do not suggest self-identification of “Shady”, but being called that by another. Furthermore, Shady’s persona is outwardly violent and rarely introspective, and only the second (and half of the third) verse poses the narrator as the actor and not victim of violence. Shady is not one to say “help me” in any context, as the narrator does in the third verse.

Personal Response: Being raped as a child has obviously changed Eminem's whole perspective on life. He doesn't like homosexual men for the simple fact that he thinks he's going to get attacked. Listening to some of his lyrics, I can tell that he had a horrible child hood and that being sexually abused was the worst thing that ever happened to him. In his music you can tell that he has very bad anger issues and has strong animosity towards his mother for not doing anything to help him. Eminem made a song called "Mom" where he explains how his mother made him take perscription drugs against his will just because. He explains how he is addicted valum and other perscription drugs because his mother forced him to take them when he was a young child. Also in the song called "Insane" he explains how his mother knew he was getting sexually abused by her husband, and didn't do anything about it. You can tell that Eminem is still being affected by this and it hurt him really bad.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Child Abuse In America

Child Abuse can be defined as a "non-accidental" injury or pattern of injuries to a child. Child abuse is damage to a child for which there is no "reasonable" explanation. Child abuse includes non-accidental physical injury, neglect, sexual abuse/molestation, and emotional abuse. Child abuse can encompass a spectrum of abusive actions, from acts of commission, to lack of action or omission. Child abuse can start before the birth of the child and can have adverse effects on the child, such as failure to seek appropriate prenatal health care during pregnancy or maternal drug/alcohol abuse.

Child abuse has increased 35% since 2003 in the US. 30,799 cases of alleged child abuse or neglect are confirmed after investigation in Michigan. 176,021 children ages 0-17 are from families where an investigation of alleged child abuse or neglect occurred in Michigan.

Under Michigan law, child abuse includes non-accidental physical or mental harm to a child “…by an individual who is responsible for the child's health and welfare.” People who may be found guilty of criminal child abuse include parents, teachers or even a member of the clergy. Child abuse can include intentional physical or mental injury, maltreatment, sexual abuse or sexual exploitation.
Currently, Michigan child abuse crimes are divided into several different categories, and the penalties you face depend on your specific charges.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Child Abuse In Detroit.

DETROIT (WWJ/AP) – A Detroit mother has been charged with fourth-degree child abuse after her two young children were left alone in a west side home that later was burglarized.
The Wayne County prosecutor’s office says 31-year-old Deedra Pitts was arraigned Wednesday in 36th District Court and released on a personal bond.
A pre-trial conference is scheduled for June 13.
The children alone in the home, on Pinehurst near Chicago, on Thursday when someone apparently broke in. The 10-year-old boy dialed 911 when he noticed the TV was missing and then carried his  10-month-old sister to a neighbor’s house, looking for help.
The kids were taken to a police precinct and later released to their father. Authorities said Pitts returned home at 9 a.m. the next day.
Appearing frantic and she demanded to know where her kids had gone, Pitts told WWJ Newsradio 950′s Vickie Thomas that she had left them home in the care of her sister.
Pitts has no listed phone number, and prosecutor’s spokeswoman Maria Miller said she doesn’t have a lawyer.

Peronal Response: This woman negelcted these children. There is no way that a 10-year old boy is fit to take care of a 10 month old child. He may be responsible to take care of himself while the mother is away but there is a baby involved. A 10-year old can't cook meals, bathe a baby, or make sure she is changed properly. The mother of these children know's that she is wrong. Where ever she went she could have took the children with her. There is no excuse for leaving a child this young to care for a baby. Then the article states that the house was burglerized while the children were in it. What if the burlgerer had murdered the children? What if the children were kidnapped? there is  no excuse for this at all.

"Local." CBS Detroit. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

Flint, Michigan Man Sexually Assults An Infant

FLINT (AP) – A Flint-area man has been sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting an infant.
Daniel Hall was convicted of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, child sexually abusive activity, distributing child sexually abusive materials and communicating with another person over the internet to commit a crime.
The 25-year-old was sentenced Wednesday in Genesee County Circuit Court.
Judge Geoffrey Neithercut also ordered Hall’s wife, Alisha Hall, to serve 25-40 years in prison. Jurors convicted her of photographing the abuse.
Police have said they found more 700 images of child pornography on computers in the couple’s home. They say 13 pictures showed Daniel Hall engaging in sex acts with a baby.

Personal Response: This happened in Flint, Michigan, very close to Detroit, and this is the most disturbing thing that I have ever read. A 25 year old man sexually assulted a infant child and took pictures of it. I'm not suggesting that sexually assulting an older child is an okay thing to do, but an infant can't defend themselves, say stop, or even have the brain capacity to know what's happening to them. This is the most senseless type of abuse that I have ever heard of. An infant child can't even defend themselves, nor tell anyone about it afterwords. They can't even understand what's happening to them, they just have to sit there and take it. It is absolutley absurd that this man would even think to do something this horrifying. But maybe the reason is just that, maybe the man figured that since the baby can't talk or tell anyone about it he could get away with it. It's a sickening and senseless crime and i am very disgusted.

"Child Abuse." CBS Detroit. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Toddler Dead, Mother In Custody

A 4-year-old girl whose mother was arrested, along with the mother's boyfriend, on suspicion of child abuse in Detroit was pronounced dead Thursday night, officials said Friday.
Toryn Buckman was pronounced dead Thursday night after being taken to Detroit Children's Hospital, according to Wayne County Superior Court documents and Detroit police.
The case is now classified as a homicide, said Sgt. Tommy Thompson of the Detroit Police Department.

Ashley Buckman, Toryn's 22-year-old mother, was arrested on suspicion of four counts of child abuse, a felony, officials said. James Edwards, 22, Buckman's live-in boyfriend, was arrested on suspicion of two counts of child abuse, officials said.
Buckman and Edwards likely will face additional charges related to the death of the Toryn, according to  Detroit police.
During Buckman's initial appearance at the Fourth Avenue Jail, she said she had proof that she did not cause the brutality and that there are threats on her phone from the person who did it.
But, according to court documents, Buckman told authorities she beat her daughter with a clothes hanger, smacked her in the mouth and twisted her nipples until they bled.
The child's injuries were extensive from head to toe, according to the court documents.
Edwards told authorities he knew about the abuse for about six months and did not report it, according to the court documents.
He told authorities he disciplined the child using his hands and a remote control. He told authorities he placed the girl in scalding-hot bathwater several weeks ago, according to court documents.
The burns were still visible Thursday, officials said

"4-year-old in Detroit Child-abuse Case Dies." N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2013.

Personal Response: The article above is an example of physical abuse on a young child. I believe this is the sickest thing you can do to a child. The child was 4 years old and had to deal with the mother and step-father's insanity. The child didn't ask to be brought into this world. I don't understand, if you don't want a child, don't beat on them, give them up for adoption so they can at least have a shot at a normal life. Having the guts to kill a small child is something I will never understand. These abusive parents never really have a reason to beat the children anyways. They have demons within  themselves that they need to deal with. I just wish the kids didn't have to go through things like this because they do not deserve it at all.


Child abuse of any form is wrong. The meaning of child abuse is the mistreatment of a child by a parent or guardian, including neglect, beating, and sexual abuse. This means that physically abusing a child is not the only way to be abusive. That's where many people confuse things. If you are not feeding a child, or leaving them alone, that is also child abuse. Physical abuse is when there is hitting involved or physical hurting a child. Emotional abuse is making a child less than they are. For example telling a child they are not good enough is a form of emotional abuse. Sexual abuse is touching or asking to be touched in inappropriate places such as genitals or the vagina. And lastly neglect is basically leaving a child with no food, clothes, or shelter for days at a time. Any type of abuse is wrong, and there is no excuse for it.