Friday, April 12, 2013

Flint, Michigan Man Sexually Assults An Infant

FLINT (AP) – A Flint-area man has been sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting an infant.
Daniel Hall was convicted of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, child sexually abusive activity, distributing child sexually abusive materials and communicating with another person over the internet to commit a crime.
The 25-year-old was sentenced Wednesday in Genesee County Circuit Court.
Judge Geoffrey Neithercut also ordered Hall’s wife, Alisha Hall, to serve 25-40 years in prison. Jurors convicted her of photographing the abuse.
Police have said they found more 700 images of child pornography on computers in the couple’s home. They say 13 pictures showed Daniel Hall engaging in sex acts with a baby.

Personal Response: This happened in Flint, Michigan, very close to Detroit, and this is the most disturbing thing that I have ever read. A 25 year old man sexually assulted a infant child and took pictures of it. I'm not suggesting that sexually assulting an older child is an okay thing to do, but an infant can't defend themselves, say stop, or even have the brain capacity to know what's happening to them. This is the most senseless type of abuse that I have ever heard of. An infant child can't even defend themselves, nor tell anyone about it afterwords. They can't even understand what's happening to them, they just have to sit there and take it. It is absolutley absurd that this man would even think to do something this horrifying. But maybe the reason is just that, maybe the man figured that since the baby can't talk or tell anyone about it he could get away with it. It's a sickening and senseless crime and i am very disgusted.

"Child Abuse." CBS Detroit. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.

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